International Coaching Federation Luxembourg

Laura Abbracciavento

Prof. Certified Coach - Sophrologist

" to see more clarity into our life, it often needs a change of perspective"
Ville:03/31/2020 LUXEMBOURG
Coaching Area:Luxembourg

Années expérience: 1 - 2 y e a r s

Principalement: Life Coaching,Career Coaching,Corporate/Business Coaching

Méthode unique de coaching:

Through questioning and applying different coaching tools, I help people understanding their type of personality and wake up awareness about potential obstacles on their life path towards their goals. They will be able to determine options and actions to put in place to get where they want.

I also put the accent to bring them to become self aware of their own potentialities and reinforce them with the help of Sophrology techniques.

Trust, a stronger self-confidence and an improved self-esteem opens the mind and welcomes change in a positive and constructive way, allowing achieving all sorts of goals they fix themselves within their own time-frame.

Langues de coaching:

English, French, German, Italian, Luxembourgish